Monday, November 29, 2010

Cyber Monday For Naples Real Estate

When most people think Cyber Monday, I doubt seriously anybody is wondering what kind of discount they can get on a Naples property by purchasing online fact I'll bet that most people wouldn't even imagine clicking their way to purchasing a property in most places. Of course the more tech savvy the town is, the more house purchasing click happy buyers are but when many people think, "Naples Florida", we're barely what many would consider tech advanced.  In fact, I once saw on Fox News that Naples was at town rated "least likely to tweet".  Being @NaplesSmartGirl on Twitter, I was naturally offended. 

So back to those online Naples real estate deals.  Can you believe somebody actually purchases Naples real estate online?  They do! As a matter of fact, more of the buyers I worked with a couple of years ago purchased online than in person! 

I actually have a plan to make it easier for you to do so in the works right now! 
But for now it's as easy as 1, 2, 3!

1.  You click around and find something you like, contact me to get the additional details.

2.  I'll go take a peek at it and take some video and shoot just about anything there is you want to see.  Granted, this is not cinematography at its finest but it lets you see exactly what you're purchasing before you purchase without having to rush and get on a plane and deal with all that new hocus pocus at the airport.  Besides if it's a great deal do you think you're the only one interested in it? I hope your answer is "no" because my are no longer alone in your quest for Naples Real Estate!

3.  When you've seen it and you're sure you love it, we'll write an offer, work on getting it accepted, run inspections, get title work and get it closed for you just in time for winter...or Christmas or New Year's...whichever you want your deadline to be. 

Can you believe it can be that easy?  It happens all the time.  So in the spirit of Cyber Monday, I've put together my top 10 deals in my most favorite top 10 Naples neighborhoods.  Call me when you're ready to roll and in the meantime, Happy Clicking!

  1. Aqualane Shores Deals
  2. Bay Colony Deals
  3. Grey Oaks Deals
  4. Mediterra Deals
  5. Old Naples Deals
  6. Park Shore Deals
  7. Pelican Bay Deals
  8. Pelican Marsh Deals
  9. Port Royal Deals
  10. Quail West Deals
Best Regards,

Shannon Lefevre, PA
Your Naples Smart Girl!

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