Thursday, October 27, 2011

Chateaumere at Pelican Bay Update

Hello Naples Fans!
I'm going to do a double post regarding Chateaumere at Pelican Bay and Chateaumere Royale at Pelican Bay for your viewing pleasure today! Here's the current Chateaumere real estate statistics:
Chateaumere at Pelican Bay:
Chateaumere Royale at Pelican Bay:
This is a good news/not so good news report depending on whether or not you're a Chateaumere at Pelican Bay buyer or seller.  Let's start with the high-fives!
Chateaumere Royal at Pelican Bay: Congratulations on your 4 sales last year! That along with your decision to replace all the glass in the building to current storm code was a magnificent move on your part! Now if we could just work on those fees and pet policy we'd really have something! I do think there's a unit in here being offered at a remarkable price.  It probably won't take you too long to find the deal if you take a peek! 
If you're thinking about buying in Chateaumere Royale:  The list of available properties is short and technically it's a seller's market there right now.  That may show a little on the pricing but that can't stop a smart agent from preparing a compelling plan to help you purchase.  Give me a call today and let's get started. 
If you're thinking about selling in Chateaumere Royale: The odds are in your favor but make sure not all of you jump in at once.  Pricing is still the key here and can be proven with not only historical statistics but current numbers as well.  I can assist you with a winning plan to help you get your property sold this upcoming season!
Chateaumere at Pelican Bay:  There's a bit of an oversupply here and while there's current movement, as a seller I'm not sure I would want to compete unless I was prepared to list at the proper price and/or had something truly magnificent.  There are some obvious non-players in the current market now and a quick peek at the Chateaumere condos for sale will help you uncover who they are.  This is also reflected with the market time rolling in at an average of 294 days (26% higher than Pelican Bay average) and an average list price to sales price ratio rolling in at 88% (3% lower than the Pelican Bay average as a whole).  That means some Chateaumere units are priced a little higher than should be if they want to see some movement.  This is a good time to talk about a healthy listing.  When you're listed with an agent or company who knows how to expose your property to a real group of ready, willing and able buyers, you should be seeing around 3 genuine showings per week on the unit....that is if you're priced correctly.  If you're experiencing fewer showings than that, it could be you're priced inappropriately or perhaps the condition of your unit could use some help.  One thing is certain, you shouldn't be wondering why your property isn't selling but that's a whole other blog post. 
If you're thinking about purchasing in Chateaumere:  There are some nicely remodeled units on the market now and some projects ranging between low 400's and increasing in price to nearly 700k. Let's take a peek and see what hits your funny bone and if you want to take a stab at something, I can help you come up with a brilliant negotiating plan. Give me a shout and let's get started today!
If you're thinking about selling in Chateaumere:  Be prepared to compete aggressively or wait. Call me for the details.
I hope you enjoyed today's Pelican Bay blog post.  If you have any questions regarding Chateaumer at Pelican Bay, I'm happy to assist and I look forward to serving your Naples real estate needs in the future. 

PS~ I just pulled some numbers for one of my media contacts today.  Did you know So far this month Naples new listings are down 36% compared to last year and of the listings that have been taken, nearly 14% of those have either already closed or are currently under contract!  Time to get moving!

Best Regards,
Shannon Lefevre, PA
Your Naples Smart Girl!

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