Sunday, July 15, 2012

Foreclosure in Pelican Bay

Hello Naples Friends,

I just received an email from a gentleman who asked, "Are there any foreclosures in Pelican Bay".

The long and short answer to that question is:

There's 1.

As it stands right now there are only 251 active listings in Pelican Bay which equates to 10 months of inventory putting Pelican Bay in an under-supplied inventory status. There are currently 46 pending sales in Pelican Bay today which means despite the time of year, Pelican Bay is experiencing fabulous sales traffic.

Another portion of his question included,  "is anything under $250,000 in Pelican Bay for sale".  The answer is no.

The lowest priced unit for sale in Pelican Bay is listed for $285,00 and there are only 6 properties in Pelican Bay listed for under $300,000 at this time.

I would not be surprised at all if this is the last year you will be able to find anything under $300,000 for a awhile.

This is just one example of a few Naples real estate requests I've seen lately where I could not accommodate somebody's direct request due to strengthening market conditions. Experience is telling me this is the beginning of a new trend that will last until our general consumer base gets a firm understanding of what's going on in Naples, Florida.

I personally equate shopping for Naples real estate in July to Christmas shopping in June. Y U C K! Nobody wants to do that when there's family vacations, summer bar-b-ques, babies to be born, birthdays to be celebrated, families to be cherished, first homes to be graced etc. BUT, if you're a buyer who wants to negotiate, now is probably the time. Especially if you're thinking you want to buy that winter place in an area like Pelican Bay or Bay Colony or really...any location close to one of our Naples beaches.

Many of you have already take steps to purchase this summer in areas like Pelican Bay, Bay Colony and other Naples beachfront locations.  I have experienced dramatic increases in traffic on my Naples real estate website. Web traffic is a terrific indication of projected real traffic in the next 30-60.  For those of you who don't know, August and September are typically the least productive 2 months in our calendar year.  This year might be a different story.

One of the bonuses about purchasing now is that you can do the lion share of your decision making on my Naples Florida real estate website, I can shoot some video for you for additional information gathering and you (if you're experienced enough) can purchase site unseen so you don't have to take precious time out of your summer agenda to get that winter home deal done. I have a tremendous group of professionals like Naples attorneys, home inspectors etc. who can help you confidently purchase from afar.  We can help you get your deal done effortlessly giving you the time to focus on what you most want. 

This way you won't find yourself competing with the others who will show up when the winter gusts start to howl and the snow starts to blow because by that time your buyers edge will probably be gone with that same blast of wind. The other point about purchasing now is if you negotiate and close your deal this summer, you can make your place your own before high-season so you can really feel at home while that January sun is kissing our Naples beaches and golf courses.  After all is there a better place than Naples to entertain friends and family or just reconnect with your own mind, body and soul during January through April?

For more information or to get the Naples party started, just visit my Naples website or contact me direct!

Happy Summer,

Shannon Lefevre, PA
Your Naples Smart Girl!

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