Sunday, October 9, 2011

Brighton at Bay Colony Update

Whoa! Brighton at Bay Colony must be singing the same song as the Biltmore at Bay Colony! Here are the current Brighton at Bay Colony stats:

Currently there is only 3 months of inventory on the market in Brighton at Bay Colony and while on paper the price doesn't appear to have gone up there, technically it has if you consider the fact that the two units remaining are on the second floor and priced similarly to those units that have sold on much higher floors.  The average list price to sales price ratio is slightly higher than the Pelican Bay overall average coming in at just a peep over 92%. 

If you're like me, this report feels almost hard to believe.  This news does NOT fall in line with what the world is saying about the state of our economic position and the current state of our over all real estate situation and if you're from Canada, you'll find it even harder to least that's what I'm hearing from some of my newest Canada prospects. 

Why are buildings in Bay Colony still selling so well and how can the Bay Colony market be so stable if the world is falling apart around them?  It might have something to do with the fact that Naples was one of the first locations to cool when the whole mortgage meltdown occurred and it's our turn to recover.  It could also be that Naples beachfront isn't expanding.  There's not really an easy place to expand here so you won't find a wide variety of new beachfront property hitting the market like you might see on the east coast of Florida.  We have a limited supply and a nice flow of people who are willing to step up to the plate and purchase here.  If you think about it, it's even a little harder to accomplish the purchase of a fabulous unit in Bay Colony today not just because it's harder to get a mortgage....(most people who are purchasing in Bay Colony are paying cash anyway)....but because many of these units need some sort of updating. Lets face it, not everybody is looking for a project....

If you are planning on purchasing in Brighton at Bay Colony
:  Right now be prepared to purchase on the 2nd floor unless something new comes on the market.  You want to work with a smart agent who has some compelling talking points when negotiating and with that, you may not come off the price much...and you're smart or you wouldn't be reading my can't really blame the seller on that one. If the 2nd floor won't do, be ready to jump on anything else that hits the market (other buyers are on point waiting for new inventory as well) In fact, give me a shout and I'll help you identify other product that may be available.

If you're planning on selling in Brighton at Bay Colony:  Congratulations! You are in a FABULOUS market to sell and if you want the most for your unit, contact me immediately! You'll want to get on the market before the end of the year if at all possible because evidence shows people who wait til mid or late season often have a problem with selling during the same season.  This could be because many Bay Colony buyers do their research earlier before coming down and have already chosen the units they want to review as a consideration.  Call me to get started today!

I hope you enjoyed the Brighton at Bay Colony update.  I'm looking forward to assisting you in your sale or purchase so call me today and let's get going!

Best Regards,

Shannon Lefevre, PA
Your Naples Smart Girl!

PS~ There's no easier way to click, see, purchase Naples Real Estate!

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