Friday, December 31, 2010

Happy New Year Naples Florida Fans!

I'm going to be bold and say the 2011 Naples Florida real estate season has already kicked off.  Although many don't think it really starts until January, many of my colleagues are agreeing they are busy and they're not just busy, they're writing contracts that are working out!  The good news looks like it may be leaning a little more towards the sellers this year for the first time in several.  I don't think we're at the point of raising prices in most Naples luxury communities although there are signs of some increase around town but I do think if you are a buyer, you probably need to get busy. 

There are two reasons why I really think now might be the time to buy. First, I'm not seeing the level of inventory increase as I have during past pre-seasons and I am seeing more buyers inquire for product that is either very low or non-existent and the shortage of supply can only mean one thing....STABILIZATION.

While there are still some Naples communities with an oversupply of inventory, stabilization is occurring more each day throughout Naples in many price ranges and pockets throughout. It will become increasingly more difficult to negotiate going forward into season but there are still plenty of sellers out there with a definite plan to sell so roll your sleeves up and lets get started!

Another factor to consider is recent buyer behavior.  Mindset for purchasing Naples real estate is considerably more positive, optimistic and defined this year compared to a grumpy/wishy-washy and indecisive group the last few years.  Be prepared to at a minimum have company while doing your searching this year as many of your friends and neighbors already have the same idea.  The snow does NOT hurt our activity in Naples LOL!  I'm already seeing signs of people losing out on properties as well.  Please don't look at property today and think you have several months, weeks or days to decide if you want to pull the trigger. If it is a deal, you could easily miss out this year. Some already have.

Another HUGE trend I'm seeing are people waiting until the last day they're in town to schedule appointments with our team and don't have a preplanned appointment.  You may be disappointed if we cannot arrange short notice showings especially on luxury properties my friends so please call us in advance so we can serve you!

For those of you who have signed up to receive my Naples blog, THANK YOU! I appreciate you!!!

I hope everyone has a safe and fabulous 2011! Now let's go buy some Naples real estate!!!

Best Regards,

Shannon Lefevre, PA
Your Naples Smart Girl!

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