Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Happy Thanksgiving

Hello Naples Friends!

I just wanted to take a moment before the Thanksgiving festivities begin to let you know how grateful I am for your business and loyalty.  I experienced the best year of my career this year thanks to people like you who found me on and utilized my services to buy or sell Naples real estate

Some of you have touched me in ways I could've never imagined.  I think of some of you on a daily basis.  I have been amazed by the intelligence I have seen, astounded by some of the life experiences you have shared and awed by your generosity and good faith. I often wonder how I have been so blessed and so lucky to know you.

Some people have questioned why I don't require visitors to log in or submit their contact information when they visit  Others have asked why I offer some of the services on my site like sales information and open house schedules when quite possibly, I may never see commission from people who gain intelligence from my offering.  I do this because while I know not all of you will use my services, some of you will. It is my way of giving thanks to those who do.  It is also why when you are a buyer and you choose me as your Realtor, I will offer the best service possible starting with clicking around on my site, seeing exactly what meets your requirements and maybe even saving a few dollars when going to contract.  When you're working with me as a seller it's why you receive the best exposure to ready, willing and able buyers and get the opportunity to negotiate the best terms possible.

There is something to be said for a professional who has spent several years in a business. I'''m on year 15  and because of the experience you have given me, I am better for it and I hope you know when I sit at my table tomorrow. I will be thankful for you.

For those of you who I have not worked with yet. I hope I get the opportunity. I think you will gain from the experience I offer.  Thank you for visiting my site and Happy Thanksgiving!

Best Regards,

Shannon Lefevre, PA
Your Naples Smart Girl

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