Good Morning Naples Enthusiasts!
There are 602 Naples Open Houses today! Here's what's happening in some of the best neighborhoods in Naples, Florida:
Where you won't find Naples Open Houses today:
There are 602 Naples Open Houses today! Here's what's happening in some of the best neighborhoods in Naples, Florida:
- Audubon Naples: 8 $599,000 - $1,300,000
- Collier's Reserve: 1 $1,025,000
- Coquina Sands: 5 $417,900 - $3,795,000
- Grey Oaks: 5 $799,000 - $3,995,000
- Mediterra: 10 $519,000 - $4,250,000
- Moorings: 21 $398,500 - $3,995,000
- Old Naples: 34 $595,000 - $7,995,000
- Park Shore: 20 $199,900 - $6,295,000
- Pelican Bay: 15 $459,000 - $2,328,000
- Pelican Marsh: 16 $349,900 - $1,595,777
- Pine Ridge: 1 $850,000
- Port Royal: 7 $5,750,000 - $15,900,000
- Quail West: 10 $1,400,000 - $4,700,000
- Royal Harbor: 3 $3,995,000 - $4650,777
- Tiburon 6 $549,000 - $1,325,000
- Vanderbilt Beach 3 $229,000 - $3,999,000
Where you won't find Naples Open Houses today:
Additionally, you won't find any of the best Naples luxury beachfront condos open today.
If you would like to see properties in Bay Colony, Naples Cay or Naples luxury beachfront condos, you'll have to do it the "old-fashioned way" by making an appointment. Call me! I can assist!
If you would like the entire Naples Open house report, just shoot me a text or email. I'll send it to you!
Happy Hunting!
Shannon Lefevre, PA
Your Naples Smart Girl
Your Naples Smart Girl